Finally lose weight and achieve your dream body
Without working out...
Eliminating Carbs...
Or Any Food Groups…
If transformation is what you're looking for, you're in the right place! Book an audit call to get started!

Limited slots available!

Let's talk about RESULTS for a second.
My Program has helped many women not only lose weight, but transform their bodies, lives and everyday, my clients are raving about their wins.
Meet Elizabeth
Melted off 100 pounds [45 Kilos] and kept it off...
“I now enjoying shopping! Today I walked into a store at the mall and for once I didn't hear “we don’t have your size”. 
I have so much variety at this smaller size it’s unbelievable. I can finally wear heels without my feet swelling. 
My husband is so happy for me and our relationship has become amazing. He even bought me a new ring! God bless you Jane, you have changed my life”
Meet Susan
Susan shifted 35 pounds [16 Kilos]...
“At my annual physical, the doctor was shocked to see my progress! I told her about you, and she told me to keep it up. She couldn't believe I had lost all that weight by simply changing what I eat. I told her, well, my coach is the best! You are amazing Jane”
Meet Betty
Betty lost 34 pounds [16 kilos] and still working to lose more...
“I couldn't understand why despite working out so hard for many years, I couldn't lose weight. Your nutrition lessons and guidance have made me a believe in the power of nutrition. Now, the compliments keep coming, I feel so confident, happy and in control thanks to all the principles you’ve taught me. I would have never made it this far without your help!”
Meet Liz
Liz lost 60 pounds [27 Kilos] and kept it off...
“I am packing for vacation and to my surprise smaller sized jeans and tops are fitting. I began crying and my hubby asked why...I was crying because of joy. If I was near you I would give you a big hug. Thank you for all your help Jane!”
In The Past 4 Years,
My Body Transformation Program Has...
  • Increased confidence and overall well being to over 100 women
  • Boosted energy levels and restored marriages, relationships and families
  • Ignited enjoyment in shopping and fitting in nicer, smaller clothes
  • Improved productivity leading to promotions, job changes or profitable businesses
  • Transformed not only bodies, but also lives for good!
  • Increased confidence and overall well being to over 100 women
  • Boosted energy levels and restored marriages, relationships and families
  • Ignited enjoyment in shopping and fitting in nicer, smaller clothes
  • Improved productivity leading to promotions, job changes or profitable businesses
  • Transformed not only bodies, but also lives
The only question you need to ask yourself is,
"Do I want to lose this weight THIS YEAR?"
Jane Mukami
I am deeply passionate about helping women lose weight so they can look good, feel great while increasing self-confidence, self-love and live a happy and exciting life

I have stepped boldly into my purpose of coaching women through not only weight loss, but body transformation, for life transformation

I am a Harvard-certified multi-award winning health coach, best-selling author and the creator of The P.U.S.H. Weight Loss Method.
You're Probably Stuck on One of These Things...
  • You want to boost self-confidence, love how you look, stop stressing about what to wear or longer hiding under baggy, stretchy, dark colored clothes, worn over body products to make clothes fit better or make you look better...the truth is you do not like how you look.
  • You want to wake up feeling energetic, excited about life - Be a great mom, wonderful wife/girlfriend with a fiery sex life…instead, you are always exhausted, unable to keep up with the kids and disconnected from your partner.
  • You want a great social life filled with adventures, happy memories, but you dread social settings, avoid pictures because you always seem to be the larger person and feel judged based on how you look
  • You want to finally lose weight, look good, feel beautiful, comfortable in your own skin, living the life you desire. You tried tons of diet programs and NOTHING has worked, so you fear you’re one of those women who just can’t lose weight.
You're Probably Stuck on One of These Things...
  • You want to boost your self-confidence, love how you look, no longer stress about being the largest person at social events, hide under baggy, stretchy, dark colored clothes, worn over body products to make you look smaller...the truth is you do not like how you look... 
  • You want to pursue your dreams and better your life, but you lack energy, mental clarity, excitement for your job, and are hence stuck at the same position and pay for years. You’re unfulfilled, feel helpless and wonder how or why other women are able to lose weight and live their best life but you can’t seem to do it... 
  • Your relationship with your husband or boyfriend is falling apart, because you lack energy, have zero interest in sexual relations, have low self-esteem or a non-existent social life that makes you feel alone…
Which of those sounds more like you?
The good news is that whichever it is, I can show you a method that will help you make your dream body a reality...

Consider this: The above are the kinds of results I get for my clients every single day. If I can do it for them, why can't I do it for you?
weight loss
A custom, high-touch nutrition based weight loss method that will transform your body, from the inside out, in only a few months. If you are READY to take the leap, schedule your weight loss audit call. 

Limited Slots Available!
What’s Included
Customized Meal Plan
Customized food portions to help you lose weight faster and that fit your lifestyle blueprint- age, goals, food likes, dislikes, and much more
VIP Community
Surrounded by high quality like-minded women with similar goals, the VIP community will keep you motivated, inspired, accountable and moving forward 
Weekly lesson 
When you know better you do better. My weekly lessons are mind blowing and will equip you with knowledge to help make weight loss and healthy living sustainable 
    Progress TRACKING
    My proprietary tracking system provides weekly trending, and visuals to ensure you are making progress every week, and not hitting a plateau. 
    Q&A sessions
    Weekly Q&A Zoom sessions provide a chance for you to ask specific questions and get personalized answers. 
    1 On 1 Check in Calls
    1 on 1 check in calls to ensure you're on track,  discuss and plan based on what's going on in your life. Travel? Wedding? Holiday?We get personal!
    Bonus #1
    Dream Body Creation 
    Learn my little-known visualization secret that will help you mentally lock in your future dream body and keep you inspired as we work towards your transformation.
    Bonus #2
    Watching real-life stories of women who have ALREADY achieved everything you’re dreaming of is a sure way to keep your fire burning as you walk your journey.
    Bonus #3
    Five “Bite-Sized Eat Right” Guides
    Treat guide - Ice cream? Cake? Pizza? Alcohol? Why not! The 'treat-prep' process will show you how to indulge in your favorite treats while still losing weight

    Eat out guide - Eat out like a pro and have a blast socializing without negatively impacting your waistline.

    Event guide - Enjoy social events; parties, weddings, without worrying about weight gain.

    Travel + Vacation guide - Navigate life on the go, frequent travel, hotel or resort living without anxiety.

    Cravings guide - Master how to deal with pesky cravings.

    Success Stories
    This program works. Just look at the women who have gone through this program and seen 
    truly life-changing results. 
    I know this program is powerful!
    Meet Elizabeth
    She lost 80 pounds/36 Kilos and kept it off...
    “I now enjoying shopping, today I walked into a store at the mall and for once I didn't hear “we don’t have your size”. 
    I have so much variety at this smaller size it’s unbelievable. 
    I can now also wear nicer shoes without feet swelling. 
    My husband is so happy for me and thanks you too. God bless you Jane, you have changed my life”
    Meet Betty
    Betty lost 34 pounds/16 kilos in 5 Months and is still 
    working to lose more...
    “The compliments keep coming. I feel so confident, happy and in control thanks to all the principles you’ve taught me. 
    I would have never made it this far without your help!”
    Meet Susan
    Susan shifted 16 kilos/35 pounds in 4 months...
    “My doctor was shocked to see my progress! I told her about you, and she told me to keep it up. She couldn't believe I had lost all that weight by simply eating right. I told her, well, my coach is the best!”
    Meet Elizabeth
    Elizabeth lost 27 kilos/ 60 pounds In 4 Months and has kept it off for over 8 months...
    “I am packing for vacation and to my surprise all my smaller sized jeans and tops are fitting. I began crying and my hubby asked why...I was crying because of joy. If I was near you I would give you a big hug. Thank you for all your help!”
    Meet Terry
    I have lost 24 kilos [53 pounds]...
     “I am filled with energy and positivity towards life and still cannot believe the changes I have made all while eating typical Kenyan food. BTW, a visit to my doctor a few weeks ago confirmed a clean bill of health, no more mild blood pressure. Your program has been the best decision of 2019 ”
    Meet Esther
    42 year old professor & avid exerciser lost 40 pounds [18 Kilos]
    “My greatest achievement is that I no longer have high blood pressure and i'm off medication. I thought working out was the answer to my health and weight issues but I was wrong. Now I know that nutrition was the problem all along. I cant believe that I teach while standing without experiencing discomfort and feet swelling"
    Meet Eunice
    Eunice, a new mom, lost over 20 total Inches,
    13 kilos (27 pounds)
    “I thought weight loss while breastfeeding was a myth! My baby was only 2 months when I started working with you and 3 months later, I  am back in pre-pregnancy clothes. I still can't believe that i've achieved this without working out. You program is worth every penny and more”
    Meet Jemima
     22 pounds [10 kilos] off while breastfeeding 
    “At the end of week 12, I've lost 10 Kgs, 3 inches on bust, 2.5 inches on waist and 4.5 inches on hips. I sleep better, I have more energy and joy. I was worried that I would not be able to continue breastfeeding my daughter but she is still breastfeeding! Jane, you are driven by passion to help women achieve their health goals. You have had a great impact on me. Thank you!”
    It's a bold promise...
    After generating AMAZING TRANSFORMATIONS for my online clients, I feel very comfortable making it happen for you too. Yes, the women above are in different countries and continents but I’m able to coach them and deliver amazing results.
    My program works, and I know that if we work together, and you stay coachable, decisive, and resourceful, there is NO limit to what you can achieve when it comes to your body transformation.

    The Body Transformation Program is NOT for Everybody.
    Who is this for?
    You are
    • A go getter! You know exactly what you want!
    • Eager to achieve your goal and start a new, happy life
    • Willing to show up, do the work, be coachable and trust the process 
    Who is this not for?
    You are
    • Looking for an overnight “get skinny quick” solution
    • Not sure whether my program can work for you
    • Not ready to invest in your future dream body and dream life
    I’m very picky about who I allow in MY program
     Time waster and tire-kickers, this is not for you! I have a strict (but reasonable) set of criteria that needs to be met in order for us to proceed:
    • You are tired of yo-yo diets and ready for change
    • You are ready for a sustainable weight loss plan
    • You’re coachable, resourceful and ready to invest in yourself - The enrollment process begins with a mandatory weight loss call
    You need to be ready and 
    committed to transform 
    your body.
    This offer is for people who are frustrated, fed up, tired of being tired about their weight and no longer want to keep jumping from diet to diet, yo-yo dieting where they lose weight and gain it all back. If you are truly ready and open for sustainable body transformation... let's talk. If you're looking for an overnight “get skinny quick” solution - no offense, but this is not for you.
    You MUST be an action taker 
    who follows directions.
    That means you're coachable, decisive, and resourceful. (Don't worry - I won't ask you to do anything weird.)
    More Success Stories
    Meet Elizabeth
    She lost 80 pounds/36 Kilos and kept it off...
    “I now enjoying shopping, today I walked into a store at the mall and for once I didn't hear “we don’t have your size”. 
    I have so much variety at this smaller size it’s unbelievable. 
    I can now also wear nicer shoes without feet swelling. 
    My husband is so happy for me and thanks you too. God bless you Jane, you have changed my life”
    Meet Betty
    Betty lost 34 pounds/16 kilos in 5 Months and is still 
    working to lose more...
    “The compliments keep coming. I feel so confident, happy and in control thanks to all the principles you’ve taught me. 
    I would have never made it this far without your help!”
    Meet Susan
    Susan shifted 16 kilos/35 pounds in 4 months...
    “My doctor was shocked to see my progress! I told her about you, and she told me to keep it up. She couldn't believe I had lost all that weight by simply eating right. I told her, well, my coach is the best!”
    Meet Elizabeth
    Elizabeth lost 27 kilos/ 60 pounds In 4 Months and has kept it off for over 8 months...
    “I am packing for vacation and to my surprise all my smaller sized jeans and tops are fitting. I began crying and my hubby asked why...I was crying because of joy. If I was near you I would give you a big hug. Thank you for all your help!”
    “Before Jane’s coaching program I felt heavy, uncomfortable in my clothes, lethargic, unhappy with what I saw in the mirror. Now, all my clothes fit well and my wedding ring is looser. You have taught me how to eat clean, moderation and how to enjoy 'sinful' treats even while losing weight. This is such a thorough and comprehensive program and I would recommend it to anyone that is serious about their goals" - Stella
    “I used to feel Fat, not sleeping well, bloated, tired. Now I feel Amazing. Confident. Like I could conquer the world!! Jane is very knowledgable and has taught me that weight loss, first of all, is a science. That it all begins in the mind and if you conquer your mindset there is nothing you can't do!! He guidance has been priceless" - Mary
    “I used to have low energy, pain in the knees, couldn’t sleep well at night. After losing 41 pounds [19 kilos] now fitting clothes from 6 years ago, size 8 from a size 18 I am, I feel happy and confident. Jane has helped me understand nutrition and how the body works. BTP has been the best investment ever and has made 2019 an amazing year” - Jeanette
    “I had labs done yesterday and prolactin levels are now 30.9 when weighing 146.5 pounds. Before BTP 2 months ago I was 167 pounds and prolactin levels were 88. The doctor is extremely happy with my progress and told me to keep doing what i’ve been doing. Thank you so much! Your program has restored health and I  remain forever grateful” - Ann
    The decision is now...
    The P.U.S.H. nutrition based weight loss coaching program opens for enrollment 3 times a year (January/Feb, May/June & Sometimes September/Oct) and ALWAYS sells out!! 
    © 2019 All rights reserved.